Bob Fisch
I’m actually teaching applied informatics at the LAM and I do own a Zoé since May 2013. I think it was more or less the first one on the road here in Luxembourg as I was very impatient and phoned the garage nearly every day until they finally allowed me to get the car even before their official “common public launch”.
My primary goal why hacking into Zoé’s CAN bus was to read out the battery health and get the SOC while driving. I have to admit that the project grew quite fast and got a lot bigger then what I thought it to get, but all this is sooo interesting and I really appreciate the international cooperation with all the team members.
- Unfortunately I had a crash in 2014 where my car got a new nose. 🙁
- In November 2020 the compressor of the cooling / heating system needed to get replaced.
- One year later my care refused to charged and I got a new charger installed.