The CanSee dongle firmware has been updated to handle 29 bit requests properly. This version (004) is required if you intent to use CanSee with the new ZE50, please update the firmware. If you have modified the software you need to merge the changes. If you do not intent to use your CanSee dongle with a ZE50, there is no need to update.

  1. looks like we have solidly past 6200 users. A user is defined as having the app installed on at least one device running under it’s account, for somewhere in the last month. It is not a run metric.
  2. Guess what I have on my driveway now on loan for a full week. Watch this space……..
  3. I have understood that most TPMS functions are available on the ZE50 natively. Would it be prudent to disable them for a ZE50? Or asked differently, is there anything a ZE50 needs regarding TPMS that is NOT already natively in the car and that we offer today for the earlier models?

This morning I received a message from user @Minibiti reporting success on the ZE50 test code. This indicates our route to enabling CanZE for the ZE50 is probably solid. In aeronautical terms: the test flight was a success and we will now open up the envelope. Apart from a very small change that needs to be tested, it could be mostly boring table conversion work. Thank you Minibiti!

Minutes ago, I released a new beta. It contains, next to the usual array of small fixes, very limited proof-of-concept test-code for the ZE50. Select ZE50 in settings, ensure ISOTP fields is on, return to main, swipe to experimental and tap ZE50. Under the 4 meaningless lines it just might display the accelerator pedal position in %.

Please note that substantial changes in several places had to be made to make this work, and I do not have a ZE50 at my disposal to test. In other words, this is completely testing in the blind and anyone who has ever made any software knows where that leads to.

I’d appreciate feedback of course, if anything with debug files etc.

The good news is that as soon as this works, getting the current functionality of CanZE migrated to the ZE50 is straightforward.