Today’s release contains, among others, a few serious bugfixes. In the previous versions switching between the different screens filled up the field request list, which slowed down considerably the entire application. This has now been solved.

Another feature that has been added is that Main, Technical and Experimental fragments can now be accessed by simply sliding the entire page to the left of the right. You may also notice some graphical improvements.

Last big change I want to point at is the new Tires activity where those of you who have TPMS installed can read out the actual pressure of the 4 wheels.

With less new functions being added, a focus on getting things more stable and life beyond things CanZE requiring at least some attention, we are changing our release schedule. Today’s release will be the last mandatory Sunday release and we’ll decide on a per-case basis if a new release is warranted.

Version 1.06 (2015.11.29) is now online on Github and shortly in also available through the Google Play Store.

We are still working on the compatibility issues with the Kangoo and even got a request to check the Twizy. So a lot of work still in progress.

Also check the experimental section as we try to read out the tires pressure … for those of you that have sensors. Any feedback on this is highly appreciate as none of us has those sensors installed …

Release Version 1.04 (2015.11.15) is ready and can now be downloaded from the Github releases page. As soon as Google has processed the updated publishing request, the new version should also be available in the Play Store.

Having received some comments about this, I want to stress that there will always be an APK of CanZE available as simple download. We do not plan to exclusively publish releases through the Google Play Store …

So here we go with version 1.03 with all the changes announced yesterday.

If you wonder that happened to version 1.02, this is easy: version 1.01 contained a nasty bug that we had to erase immediately and each update in the Google Play Store needs a mandatory higher version than the previous one.

Have fun!