The Tire IDs (and pressures) are conveniently labeled Front Left, Front Right, etcetera, but the car has no separate receivers for the individual wheels. It just sees four values coming in and checks it. Enough for the warning light, but not for us users. We want to make sure the pressure is stated for the correct wheel, and the ID for the correct wheel is displayed.

We’re in a pickle a bit as we received a report that the Rear IDs in CanZE are swapped, while we have followed available documentation. As none of the developers have a TPMS equipped car, it’s impossible to experiment. So in case you are a “tire guy” with a TPMS equipped ZOE, please do some experiments and confirm (or deny) said report. Thanks!

In the next release we plan to introduce dark mode for Android 9 and 10 devices. It will have a dark, light and System (as in, follow what Android does) mode.

Until now, we’ve been keeping CanZE compatible with API level 15, meaning Android 4.0.3. For reference, we’re talking Samsung S2 era, early 2012 phones. To make dark mode work without over-complicating the code, we have to let go of supporting Android 4 and make API level 21 the minimum requirement. These are late 2014/early 2015 phones. The number of active users below API level 21 is approximately 2.5% of the active users, so we feel this is a fair compromise.

The sun-setting of Android 4 support has been announced starting today in the news bar. If you run CanZE on an Android 4 device it will no longer receive updates, but it will still run the older versions.

Things have been slow as vacation progressed. And of course now work is competing. But that doesn’t mean things have halted. A new release is in the making, though it mainly fixes language and edge case stability issues. No new functionality.

  • Growth has slowed down but is still going on quite nicely: 2.4% in the last 30 days and we’re now at about 5300 active Android devices
  • ANR’s are virtually zero (one user impacted)
  • Crashes are down to a record low 0.15%, less than one per day. This is half of the peer median. And half of those are Bluetooth related.

Renault changed it’s API totally for the complimentary MY Renault app. Muscat did massive reverse engineering, implemented a python library and CLI. I implemented that in Node-RED. Please note there is zero error checking. The bottom two rows are examples that can be fed the same message as the Get battery status node.

Please note that the API has changed again. The current implementation is here.

The kamereon_id key has changed early 2021. See this post.

I’ve been busy recoding the interface between my home automation and ZE services as Renault changed their entire apps and API to “MY Renault”. That worked out with the kind help provided by James. All back on track again in Node-RED.

While doing some research I ran into a post from one of the developers on the French forum. This was one of the things he mentioned that has always been “somewhat known”, but more precisely formulated now.

  • Start of charge
  • During charging, every 30 minutes (every 15min for Z.E. 40)
  • End of charge
  • Beginning of a journey
  • During the trip, every 30 minutes (every 15min for Z.E. 40) or every 5% of SOC (state of charge of the battery)
  • End of a trip
  • Before sleep (3 min after lockout) if the battery value has changed since the last message
  • Before sleep (3 min after lockout) if the car is not connected, a charge is programmed and the charge level is less than 100%
  • Low battery alert
  • Instant pre-conditioning set point.

Copied from the comments section……..

Hi everybody.

A new beta was just released today.

You can download this beta by following this link :

WARNING : Version 4 of iOS CanZE need both WiFi and Cellular network.

To allow device connecting booth WiFi with dongle and Cellulat to CanZE Server, follow this tutorial :

  • Connect to the WiFi Dongle
  • Go to settings App
  • Go to WiFi settings
  • Select Dongle’s WiFi network
  • Tap the (i)
  • Note IP address and subnet mask
  • Switch from Automatic to Manual
  • Enter IP address and subnet mask
  • IMPORTANT, leave router blank
  • Validate