This week we have above and under the hood developments for you.
We’ve added two heat-maps, giving a quick overview of your battery temperatures and voltages. Those will give you immediate insight in the overall stability of your battery pack: the colors indicate the deviation of the mean temperature / voltage.
Data for graphs is now retained much longer so your graphs will simply continue once you restart them.
Then there are some graphical updates, a bit better handling of different screen sizes. Also we’ve become a bit more aware of potential licensing issues so you might notice some different wording, removal of copyrighted graphics, stuff like that.
Of course there has been the usual bug fixing but we’ve also improved on the differences between the Zoe, Fluence and Kangoo.
Under the hood significant changes going are on. We’re constantly optimizing speed and memory usage and there are a lot of technical changes that you will notice above the hood too. One notable change is the ability to differentiate better between slow changing parameters, such as temperatures, and fast changing ones, such as speed. This way we can optimize display speed for the fast changing ones.
Also, there is now a setting to let CanZE continue to run in the background instead of closing or pausing. Note that this will use significantly more power on the device.
These enhancements create even more possibilities that we will announce and implement later.
DTC readout is already working for a few ECU’s, you can try in the experimental section (at your own risk!). It certainly works for the TCU (Telematics) and the CLUSTER (instrument panel).