While we’re certainly not done untangling the ZOE ZE50 and new ZE40 (together called ZOE Ph2), we’re pretty confident we’ve cracked the basics fairly well.
ZOE Ph2 is a significantly different car than the old models and required additional code to access the car’s computers. We had to make changes in the CanSee dongle and the ELM327 (KONNWEI) dongle driver has much improved, also performance wise. And once again, lots and lots and lots of testing in cold winter nights on driveways, city streets and even road trips. While all this was going we’ve also been doing some internal refactoring to facilitate the different models in a less cluttered way, together with an improved process to do our research, read, finding the fields we need to make CanZE do it’s thing. All this despite the modest outside looking the same, so maybe we’re more impressed than you are!
Having said all that, our short term effort is clawing back on decreased stability that was introduced by all the code changes made in the last few months. Crashlytics which anonymously provides post-mortem information is a huge help and as I write this, all known crashes are tackled either in the current production release or ready for the next release, so please do update if you haven’t already. You, the thousands of end users are the heroes doing the cold harsh field testing. Thank you for that.
So what’s the speculative part? Well, with the Twingo EV now on the market we’ve had a bit of time to take a look and we can possibly make it work. This is not a promise: history taught us we couldn’t make the ZE50 work until enthusiastic and knowledgeable team members actually owning these cars were co-developing. But with above changes and already one enthusiastic tester in the field, we might just crack it. Still, it’s a tough cookie with slower research cycles. But who knows? If it works we could maybe add say a Twizy the same way? Even more speculation!