Today I have spoken with a Renault specialist and to make a long story short: my definition of friction braking is WRONG. In normal operation, the brake system is entirely “fly by wire” and does not perform friction braking as CanZE reports. I will fix this, but I doubt it will make this weekend-release. Long story short, Zoe uses far more motor braking than anticipated. To be continued.

The weekly build we have coming up for you is mostly one of serious un-cluttering. We have moved all  experimental and playground stuff out of the way and to a new screen. This can be accessed through the “three dots” menu, just next to the settings. Developers now have each have their own playground. Go there at your own risk!

A very nice enhancement is that time-plots are now saved, so their data is not lost when switching screens.

The driving screen now displays a real time kWh/km. I’ve been running this for a few drives and I’d say it is more pressing than the raw kW in the dash. Quite the eye opener!

For the UK drivers, there is now a “Miles” tick in the settings screen, and it already works for the text based screens.

Maybe somewhat boring but still worthy news is that we have significantly stabilized and speed up ELM again. And as we’re getting more confident about CanZE restoring order when things go wrong, there is now an option in the setting screen to change the log level, enabling you to get rid of those blasted warnings popping up. For the daring, builder people, the Due based hardware is getting more integrated too and is VERY responsive. See Bob’s blog post below this one.

We discovered that Firmware versions can be dependant on the hardware version of certain components. We’re not ready to take up that challenge for several reasons. Just know that the dealer might be right if he tells you that really no, there is no update for your car while CanZE says there is.

Enjoy and stay tuned!

Here’s a little video I made (no good conditions I know), but it should be enough to show how fast the custom based interface is compared to the ELM327.

Don’t forget: buying a ELM327 is cheaper and does not need to build anything at all and for 90% of the users this is enough.

We have exciting features in this weekly release. Most are a bit under the hood, but you will notice them anyway.

ELM327 stability has improved a bit and it is a little bit faster too. As I mentioned last week, we’re shaving and modifying there in tiny steps. It might be a tad more talkative when things go wrong.

Behaviour when CanZE goes out of focus has improved a lot we believe. In essence, CanZE is paused and communication with the ELM or other device is stopped.

A few timed graphs have been added on request, i.e. state of charge over time.

The driving screen now has a function where you can add the distance to destination, and CanZE will update you on the expected distance available in the battery on arrival. You can also choose to double the distance to destination when planning for a round trip. Just tap the “distance to destination” line to get a pop-up.

A feature that we really like is that the last values that were requested from the car are now retained so you can open all the screens even when not connected and they are showing real information.

Stay tuned and don’t forget to report issues, or requests on gitub.

Stay tuned