Teaser and a few words about permissions
Teaser alert: there is some exciting news coming up soon for the research and logger fanatics out there. But first, here is a recap of the permissions CanZE needs and why it needs it:
- Bluetooth and BluetoothAdmin: needed to make a connection to the dongle. Access can be dis-allowed, but of course CanZE is useless.
- WriteExternalStorage: needed to make log files and read the _Research.csv file. Can be disallowed, but then of course logging is not possible. Promise: We do not manipulate any files outside of the CanZE folder.
- Internet: used to fetch the news bar in the main screen, and to send crash data to crashlytics. This can not be disabled. Promise: For crashlytics: we add no information that can identify the car or phone to crashlogs. For news: no information is sent, the news file itself is hosted on github and we have no access to their web-server logs
- AccessFineLocation: has to be manually, explicitly allowed in Android’s permission settings if wanted and can be disallowed. Related to the teaser, stay tuned.
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