New release coming up
As you probably noticed, a lot of work is being done. We’re gearing up for a new release again.

- Added total kWh and charge counts in the (experimental) Charging history screen. Very useful if you are checking out a used ZOE.
- Several bug fixes and internal improvements.
- Some appearance cleanup.
- Deleted Dutch language.
Some other announcements and tidbits
- The usage of CanZE is growing more than 33% per 6 months.
- Because of the frankly staggering numbers we’re now focusing more than we used to on usability, consistency and stability.
- Largest countries (by far) are Germany, the UK and France, together more than 50% of the installs.
- As a result, German, English and French are the installed default languages on over 70% of the CanZE users phones (meaning Android languages, not CanZE languages)
We are planning on discontinuing all but English, German and French language support and are in an active process of finding committed, tool based language maintainers for those. So if you want to become such a language maintainer (the named ones or another one), please contact us through the CanZE Github page.
After this release, it might be quiet for a while: while we urge anyone with even mild tinkering skills to build the CanSee dongle and dump the commercial one, we realize that over 99% of the users actually use and will keep on using those. We’re in a process of research and change to massively improve the stability of the ELM based dongles and we’re pretty sure most users will be very pleased when it’s done. However, it will take considerable time.