On the German forum a shared google spreadsheet is being community-maintained listing ECU software versions. Cool way to notice if something has changed. Since CanZE beta can also pick up on the versions in the ZE50, tabs for those models have been added. While the column titles are in German, I would urge everyone with a ZE50 and in the CanZE beta track to add to it. We even added a “query all to CSV file” button in the Firmware screen so it should be fairly easy.


The Tire IDs (and pressures) are conveniently labeled Front Left, Front Right, etcetera, but the car has no separate receivers for the individual wheels. It just sees four values coming in and checks it. Enough for the warning light, but not for us users. We want to make sure the pressure is stated for the correct wheel, and the ID for the correct wheel is displayed.

We’re in a pickle a bit as we received a report that the Rear IDs in CanZE are swapped, while we have followed available documentation. As none of the developers have a TPMS equipped car, it’s impossible to experiment. So in case you are a “tire guy” with a TPMS equipped ZOE, please do some experiments and confirm (or deny) said report. Thanks!

In the last 14 days almost 50% of all crashes came from one single user on Android 8.1 and Cubot J3 hardware. If you are that user, could you please leave a reply? We’d love to figure out what’s going on!

We receive crash reports on an issue specific for Android 8.1. If you are using CanZE on an Android 8.1 device and experience crashes, please contact us by commenting here or appending on the open issue https://github.com/fesch/CanZE/issues/552

Please provide as much detail as you can such as what screen you had open, what you were doing i.e. editing a field, rotating the device, letting it go to sleep, etc.

It is very much appreciated.

At this moment two rather serious discussions are going on in the issues section for CanZE to which I’d like to draw your attention and invite to participate.

First is the multi-language functionality. We, the current developers decided we are not willing and able to maintain the current language versions. Basically our stance is: own or remove. We maintain the app in English, but almost all strings are stored in separate, language sensitive XML files. I have maintained the Dutch version, but a quick check in the Dutch ZOE forum didn’t show any interest so we will ditch it in the next release. For the other languages (FR, DE, SL and ES), we need owners who are willing and able to maintain the language file, in XML and using GIT for version management. From our side, we can postpone anything but “crash” releases by say a week for language updates. Without a serious and committed owner for each language, we will remove it and keep doing so in the future. The app will default to English. To be honest, we see this as a one way street. Please comment if you want in the specific issue thread only.

Second is online data logging. We have written about our stance several times, but the truth is, it is a recurring issue in the comments, in some fora and also a few times in actual development. I have written my personal thoughts about it in the open issue here. This is not cast in stone, but it hints how far I am willing to go myself in terms of development effort and preference regarding architecture. Serious input is appreciated, also on the issue thread on github please.

Thanks for your input.