Crashes and growth

Long time no see.

Given that CanZE does not support the Ph2 cars, I am pleasantly surprised to see uptake still grow albeit more slowly. The last year saw an average growth of 22.5% or roughly 1.7% per month. It makes sense I guess as the pool of “Ph1” cars is now (very) slowly going down, but the technically inclined or more daring number of drivers is probably going a bit up.

Speaking of daring, this brings me to my second point. Somehow the “Force crash” option, only there to test Google Crashlytics behavior, made it in production by mistake. While there is a warning, it seems everybody wants have a go at it at least once: in the last 30 days, it was done 123 times by 77 users, go figure! Pretty daring indeed because who knows, maybe it would have crashed the car 😉 Anyway, it has affected crash statistics pretty badly and we’re way over what Google deems “bad behavior”. However, if I take that cause out, it’s down 85%. I am not going to do a new release over this one, but if you can resist, it’s appreciated.

Stay healthy, stay safe.