Welcome to the CanZE app pages

canze-icon-shadingIf you want to learn about your Renault ZOE electric vehicle, you’ve come to a good starting point. We will supply you with an app that displays driving stats and lots of interesting information about your car. All you need is a Bluetooth OBDII dongle or a super fast do-it-yourself build CanSee dongle, and an Android device. For a more detailed description of the app see the about or the screenshot page. There is a sister project for Apple iOS.

The app is available on Google Play store here.

5 Comments on “Welcome to the CanZE app pages

  1. Good evening and merry Christmas; I contact you to ask you how I can interact with the group (blog) to ask for advice. Specifically, I have a 2013 Renault ZOE which I had repaired in the body shop after a car accident. It has now been repaired but does not accept the charge. I had an OBD2 bluetooth interface compatible with CANZE but I haven’t used it for several months and frankly I don’t remember where I placed it. Can you give me some help? … I am an electronic technician and I deal with electric mobility. I await your feedback. Thank you

    Buona sera e buon Natale; ti contatto per chiederti come posso interaggire con il gruppo (blog) per chiedere consulenza. Nello specifico ho una Renault ZOE del 2013 che ho fatto riparare in carrozzeria, dopo un incidente stradale. Ora è stata riparata ma non accetta la carica. Avevo una interfaccia OBD2 bluetooth compatibile con CANZE ma sono parecchi mesi che non la utilizzo e francamente non ricordo dove l’ho posizionata. Mi puoi dare qualche aiuto? … sono un tecnico elettronico e mi occupo di mobilità elettrica . Attendo un tuo riscontro. Grazie

  2. Hi,
    I am puzzled by the Consumption screen.
    The top line is ‘Wheel Torque’ and under mild acceleration it shows values of over 1000 nm. Impossible, that’s Taycan territory.
    This is on a kangoo ze, it could be that the kangoo uses different PIDs.
    Does wheel torque look correct on Zoe models?

    • Very possible, as it’s wheel torque, not motor torque. Motor torque is only meaningful if you take into account the reduction of the gearbox. Which we do. ZOE’s reduction is 9.8-ish (from memory). Does that make sense?

      ps: sorry to say but we stopped supporting Kangoo ZE which AFAIK is basically a FLuence ZE technically. Maybe you are better off with FluenceSpy?